
上 13 家電見本市 2024: 年間最大の展示会へのガイド

家電見本市 Kinzir のような企業が最新のテクノロジーや製品を展示する極めて重要なイベントです, 業界のバイヤーとつながる, エレクトロニクスの未来を垣間見ることができます.

これらのイベントは業界のトレンドを形成する上で重要な役割を果たします, ビジネスパートナーシップの促進, 画期的な製品を発表.

家電見本市 2024

こうした見本市では基調講演が多く行われることが多い, 製品デモンストレーション, そしてネットワーキングの機会. 世界中から最も聡明な頭脳と一流ブランドが集まります。.

記事上で, 必ず参加すべきエレクトロニクス見本市をご覧ください。 2024, 有名な国際コンシューマー エレクトロニクス ショーから (CES) エレクトロニカ チャイナのような専門展示会や、IFA ベルリンや GITEX などの地域の有力な展示会まで.


  • 展示会は家電分野におけるイノベーションとビジネスチャンスのプラットフォームを提供します.
  • CES や IFA ベルリンのようなイベントは、幅広い製品が展示される点で重要です。, 大規模な, 国際的な参加者.
  • これらの集まりは、エレクトロニクス業界の最新トレンドやネットワークを常に把握したい人にとって不可欠です。.

国際家電ショー (CES)

国際家電ショー CES 2024

国際家電ショー (CES) 消費者向けテクノロジーに関連するすべてのことを知ることができる場所です. ラスベガスで開催, CES 2024 1月から続いた 9 1月まで 12, からあらゆるものを網羅する広大な展示エリアにより、技術革新に対する幅広い視点を提供します。 スマートフォンスマートホームデバイス.

イベントは集まった 135,000 individuals and provided a platform for more than a thousand exhibitors to present their latest products and technologies.

Latest Innovations

At CES 2024, you could witness the unveiling of new technology releases that have the potential to be disruptive tech in various industries. Here’s an overview of some cutting-edge segments:

  • Smart Home Devices: The show featured a plethora of connected devices aimed at making home life more seamless.
  • Smartphones: Companies showcased new models boasting advanced features like foldable screens, improved battery life, and sophisticated cameras.

Keynote Speakers

Eminent visionaries took the stage to give keynotes, sharing their insights on future technology trends and innovations. These speakers included CEOs from leading tech companies and industry experts discussing everything from new technology releasesdisruptive tech.

CES のハイライトをもっと見る 2024:

CES のこれらの重要な側面に取り組むことで、 2024, 消費者向けテクノロジーがどこに向かっているのか理解しています, 急速に進化するデジタル世界で先を行くのに役立ちます.


広州交易会, 正式にはとして知られています 中国輸出入交易会, 春の一大イベントです 2024 広州で (4月 15-19, 2024). 豊富な品揃えで有名です エレクトロニクス製品 そして卸売の機会.


135第 版 広州交易会の, 幅広い範囲のものが見つかります 電子アイテム 簡単にナビゲーションできるように専門的なカテゴリに整理されています. 期待できる製品カテゴリは次のとおりです。:

  • 家電
  • 電子・電気製品
  • コンピュータおよび通信製品
  • 新エネルギー・再生可能エネルギー技術
  • 家庭用電化製品


広州交易会 電子機器の調達を検討している企業に比類のない卸売りの機会を提供します. かなりの数の 電機メーカー 現在, 潜在的なサプライヤーが必ず見つかります:

  • 最先端の家電製品
  • B2B電子デバイス
  • さまざまな電子製品のアクセサリおよびコンポーネント

広州交易会に参加するとサプライヤーと会うことができます, 新しい市場トレンドについて学ぶ, そして取引の交渉をする, 貴社のビジネスをエレクトロニクスの卸売見本市の最前線に位置づける.

エレクトロニカチャイナ 2024

エレクトロニカチャイナ, 7月に予定されている 8-10, 2024, は上海の主要な電子イベントです, 中国, エレクトロニクス産業の進歩を示すもの. 重要な見本市として, Consumer Technology Association の注目を集めています (CTA), 数多くのエレクトロニクスブランド, and a global audience to Shanghai’s vibrant industry and innovation landscape.


Shanghai not only hosts this significant event but also becomes a hub for semiconductor technology during the duration of Electronica China. You can expect to interact with over 1,650 exhibitors and join the ranks of more than 110,642 visitors navigating through cutting-edge semiconductor solutions. The products and inventions presented cover a range essential for advancing consumer technology and commercial electronics.

Automotive Electronics

In this subsection dedicated to Automotive Electronics, Electronica China presents an array of components, systems, and applications integral to the future of automotive innovation. During your visit, you will discover technology at the forefront of making vehicles more connected, safe, and efficient, encompassing advancements from leading electronics brands and stakeholders in the automotive industry.

Attending Electronica China immerses you in a professional environment where you can network, explore technological advancements, and view exhibitions representing the forefront of consumer electronics.

HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair

The renowned HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) is a significant event set to take place in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in April 2024(4月 13-16,2024). As a premier electronics trade show, it will represent a broad spectrum of innovative technology and electronic products. You can expect a dynamic interaction with over 2,800 exhibitors from more than 20 countries, revealing the latest trends in electronics to thousands of visitors from around the globe.

Startup Zone

At the heart of the fair, the Startup Zone is a dedicated platform for emerging companies in the electronics market, where you will find groundbreaking wearable technology and smart tech solutions. This zone is tailored for startups looking to showcase fresh products and ideas, allowing you to experience the future of electronics driven by youth and innovation.

Tech Hall

Tech Hall is designed to showcase advanced electronics and contemporary lifestyles. Here, you can immerse yourself in cutting-edge developments and explore 3D printing, robotics, and AI. The Tech Hall offers a glimpse into the frontier of electronic advancements and allows you to engage with the latest market offerings.


の 2024, グローバル ソース コンシューマー エレクトロニクス ショーは、最先端のテクノロジーとイノベーションを直接目撃できる最高のイベントとして際立っています。. 香港で開催, このショーは通常 4 月に予定されています, そしてそれは数日間に及びます (4月 11-14,2024), 幅広い電子製品を探索する機会が満載.

ガジェット & ギズモ

位置: 香港
日付の長さ: 4月 2024
展示エリア: 66, 420 平方メートル
来場者数: 34,709 プロのバイヤー (2019 ショー後のレポート)
出展社数: 2284 世界中から(2019 ショー後のレポート)

ガジェットにアクセスするとき & ギズモセクション, 新機能を搭載した最新のスマートフォンからノートパソコンまで、あらゆるものが見つかります。 電動エアダスター 優れたパフォーマンスと携帯性を実現. 革新的なテクノロジーを含む製品ショーケース, からの範囲 仮想現実デバイス 最先端へ ウェアラブル. 出展者は業界のリーダーです, ensuring the products you discover are advanced and highly sought after in the market.

Home Electronics

製品カテゴリ: Smart home devices, home entertainment systems
主な特長: Live demonstrations, product launches
Events: Networking sessions, industry insights talks

global sources consumer electronics show in Hongkong

Your exploration of Home Electronics will bring you face-to-face with advanced smart TVs, offering the highest definition viewing experiences and integration with smart home ecosystems. Experience smart appliances that are reshaping the convenience and functionality of modern living spaces. Through interactive displays and live demonstrations, gain insights into future home trends. This subsection offers a gateway into understanding how electronics continue to evolve and integrate seamlessly into daily life.

ExpoElectronica 2024

エクスポエレクトロニカはロシアのエレクトロニクス展示会の最高峰を代表する, 業界の専門家やエレクトロニクスブランドを集め、最新のトレンドやイノベーションを探求します. イベントはモスクワで開催される予定です, クロッカス エキスポ, そして3日間に及びます(4月 16-18,2024), 電子部品とシステムの広範なショーケースを提供します.

ExpoElectronica 2024


エキスポエレクトロニカにて, 幅広い電子部品を見つけることができます. 世界に飛び込みます 半導体, センサー, そして コネクタ 舞台の中心に立つ.

このセクションは、お客様との対面での対話のためのプラットフォームを提供します。 メーカー そして サプライヤー. 出展者が集中しているため、, ビジネスにとって重要な製品を探索し、エレクトロニクス分野の進歩を促進する主要企業と連携できます。.

ExpoElectronica の内容を詳しく見るには, you may find the exhibition’s official website on YouTube, allowing you a virtual tour of the event’s vibrancy and scale.

IFA Berlin

As you explore the world of consumer electronics, IFA Berlin emerges as a premier event marked by its history of innovation and breadth of products.

Scheduled for 9月 6-10, 2024Messe Berlin, this centennial celebration showcases cutting-edge technology with over 2,000 exhibitors and captivates a global audience.

You will find everything from the latest audio equipment to revolutionary 8K displays, set within diverse show areas.

Next Gen Home Entertainment

At IFA Berlin, you will witness the evolution of home entertainment. 8K displays are a focal point, offering an immersive viewing experience with unparalleled detail and clarity.

これらの次世代スクリーンの可能性を最大限に明らかにするブレイクアウト セッションやライブ デモに注目してください。.

IFA Berlin 2024

ウェアラブル & フィットネス

健康やライフスタイルテクノロジーに興味のある方へ, the ウェアラブル & フィットネス このセクションでは、スマート デバイスの最新イノベーションを包括的に紹介します。.

フィットネストラッカーから高度な健康監視システムまで, IFA ベルリンは、アクティブで健康を意識したライフスタイルに応えるテクノロジーへの玄関口です.

パーソナルエレクトロニクスの可能性の限界を押し広げる製品を発見してください, 業界のリーダーと協力して、これらのデバイスがフィットネスとウェルネスの未来をどのように形作るかを確認します。.

MWC バルセロナ

モバイル世界会議 (MWC) バルセロナでの開催は、モバイルテクノロジーの最新の進歩に注目を集める最高のイベントです.

Scheduled from February 26th to 29th, 2024, at the Fira Gran Via, this event is poised to attract top industry leaders and tech enthusiasts eager to explore cutting-edge smartphones and consumer electronics innovations.

You can anticipate more than 335 sessions with a robust presence of exhibitors and an impressive assembly of attendees, including decision-makers from across the globe.

MWC バルセロナ 2024

Mobile Innovations

MWC Barcelona showcases smartphone breakthroughs that epitomize innovation and future possibilities.

の 2024 event will feature revolutionary product launches emphasizing advanced technologies like 5G, AI, そして Blockchain integrated into consumer electronics.

You may find yourself intrigued by the prospects of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, rumored to debut with the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset.

Networking Opportunities

MWC Barcelona presents unparalleled networking opportunities, bringing together a global audience of tech professionals.

You will likely engage in conversations with the titans of tech and connectivity, sharing knowledge and forming strategic partnerships.

Amidst the bustling exhibition halls and interactive sessions, MWC facilitates invaluable connections that could shape your business’s trajectory in the consumer electronics landscape.

GITEX (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition)

GITEX, hosted in Dubai, is set to take place from October 14 に 18, 2024. As one of the largest tech events globally, it is a hub for the latest trends in consumer electronics, boasting cutting-edge exhibits in AR & VR and featuring a diverse array of tech startups.

AR & VR Exhibits

At GITEX, you can witness firsthand how Augmented Reality (AR) そして Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are integrating into various industries.

GITEX (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition)

The exhibition floors are dedicated significantly to immersive experiences, where you can try out the newest gadgets addressing education, 健康管理, and entertainment.

This direct engagement with innovative technology allows you to see these toolspotential impact on everyday life.

Tech Startups

A key highlight of GITEX is the section dedicated to スタートアップ.

This is where fresh, creative minds showcase their disruptive technologies and vie for attention from potential investors and industry leaders.

As an attendee, it provides you the chance to interact with the founders and developers behind tomorrow’s technology today.

Participating startups cover a broad range of sectors, ensuring a comprehensive glimpse into the future of tech innovation.

The GITEX Global event is significant not only for its expansive product categories but also for its ability to draw over 100,000 visitors and 5,000 exhibitors from across the globe.

By visiting, you connect with a network that spans the technology landscape, encompassing the AI and blockchain sectors.

The event’s magnitude and the opportunities for networking and business growth are why GITEX remains a top show in the consumer electronics and technology tradeshow circuit.

Computex Taipei

Scheduled from June 4th to 7th, 2024, Computex Taipei stands as a landmark event for the consumer electronics industry.

Hosted at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, you can expect to witness a vast exhibition covering various aspects of the tech world, including PCs, ラップトップ, and gaming devices.

With thousands of visitors and exhibitors anticipated, this show serves as a global platform for unveiling cutting-edge technology.

PC Hardware

At Computex, you will encounter the latest advancements in PC hardware, ranging from high-performance CPUs to sophisticated motherboards.

Here, top brands will showcase their newest products, giving you a glimpse into the future of computing.

Laptops of all kinds, featuring new form factors and equipped with the latest processors and graphics cards, are set to be a highlight, with offerings catering to general consumers and niche markets.

Computex Taipei 2024

Overclocking Demos

For enthusiasts, the overclocking demos provide an electrifying spectacle.

Witness skilled experts push the limits of chips to achieve unprecedented performance.

These demonstrations showcase hardware capabilities and highlight the potential for customizing and optimizing your own systems.

Appliance & Electronics World Expo (AWE)

The Appliance & Electronics World Expo, commonly known as AWE, is organized by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association (CHEAA) and is slated to be one of the most significant events in the consumer electronics industry.

Appliance & Electronics World Expo (AWE)

Set to occur from March 14-17, 2024, in Shanghai, you can expect to see the latest innovations in smart appliances and the Internet of Things (IoT).

This event is Asia’s largest and stands among the top three worldwide, featuring an expansive area of 160,000 square meters across 14 exhibition halls.

Smart Appliance Trends

At AWE 2024, you’ll witness a comprehensive display of スマートホームデバイス that define the trajectory of modern living.

The exhibition will present cutting-edge technologies at the intersection of convenience and innovation.

From the latest intelligent refrigeration systems to smart lighting that reacts to your presence, the future of the IoT within domestic spaces is here.

Expect to join a crowd of over 197,000 attendees, と 1104 global companies exhibiting their advancements.

These products transform homes into better-connected ecosystems and redefine user interaction with everyday appliances. AWE is a critical platform for introducing such revolutionary products and trends.

Participate in various scheduled events to enhance your understanding of showcased trends and products.

These can range from keynote speeches delivered by industry leaders to live demonstrations of how these smart home devices integrate seamlessly into daily life.

This combination of exhibits and insightful sessions will teach you about the future of home appliances and electronics.

さらに, by hosting the event at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, AWE solidifies its status as a top show by being at the epicenter of innovation in China—one of the world’s most robust markets for consumer electronics.

Korea Electronics Show (KES)

The Korea Electronics Show (KES) is your gateway to a world where technology and innovation converge.

Scheduled from October 22 に 25, 2024, in Seoul, KES promises a comprehensive showcase of the latest developments in electronics, including smart TVs and contributions from prominent tech companies.

Korean Tech Advances

位置 & 間隔:

  • City: Seoul, 韓国
  • Dates: 10月 22 – 25, 2024
  • 間隔: 4 days

Exhibit Profile:

  • 出展社数:480 (2023 データ)
  • 来場者数: 60,123 industry professionals (2023 report)
  • 展示エリア: Includes areas for home entertainment, mobile technology, electronic components, もっと.

Korea Electronics Show (KES 20223)

As you walk the floors of KES, you’ll encounter the vanguard of Korean tech advances.

Watch as smart TVs with the latest features—such as 8K resolution and integrated AI—vie for your attention alongside innovative gadgets from cutting-edge tech companies.

主な特長 & Events:

  • Networking Opportunities: Forge relationships with industry leaders and potential business partners.
  • Product Demonstrations: Experience firsthand the most recent tech offerings.
  • Innovative Showcases: Explore thematic exhibitions highlighting advancements and future tech.

CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies)

CEATEC, for the Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, is a pivotal event in the calendar for consumer electronics showcasing in Japan. Hosted annually in Chiba, 日本, the CWATEC 2024 should occur OCT 15-18,2024.

CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies)

位置: Makuhari Messe, Chiba, 日本
日付の長さ: OCT 15-18,2024
展示エリア: Covers latest advancements in robotics, AI technologies, 他産業との融合
来場者数: 89,047 出席者の
出展社数: 684 出展者 & 組織, 80.6% の出展者が満足
製品カテゴリ: ロボット装置, AIアルゴリズム, 自動化システム, スマート家電
主な特長: デモンストレーション, 基調講演, AI ベースの問題解決ショーケース
Events: AIソリューションコンテスト, ロボット工学のデモンストレーション, 専門家によるパネルディスカッション

AI と日常生活の交差点を直接目撃できるロボット工学に関するプレゼンテーションに参加できます。.

メーカーは最新のドローン技術をここで明らかにすることがよくあります, 商業セグメントと消費者セグメントの両方におけるイノベーションに焦点を当てる.

AIの領域が集結するCEATEC, robotics, そして持続可能性, 未来の電子環境を探求したい専門家やテクノロジー愛好家にとって重要な目的地としての地位を確立しています。.


