
上 25 電動エアダスターのよくある質問: Kinzir クライアントからのよくある質問 お問い合わせ

キンジル, 深センの大手電動エアダスターメーカー, 中国, 新しいB2Bクライアントを認識します, 輸入業者など, 卸売業者, 販売代理店, スタートアップ, そして新しいブランド, often have several questions about our air duster products. したがって, we’ve created a list of detailed frequently asked questions to help those new to rechargeable air dusters. We hope you find the electric air duster FAQs useful, and we’re here to help with any further queries or support you may need.


How does Kinzir guarantee quality?

キンジル employs a methodical approach to ensure that each 電動エアダスター meets high-quality standards. Before any mass production begins, you receive a pre-production sample. This process lets you confirm that the sample meets your expectations, setting a benchmark for the upcoming production.

さらに, each product undergoes a comprehensive inspection before international shipment. This rigorous quality check ensures that the items you receive are in impeccable condition, free from defects, 期待どおりに機能します.

これらの対策に加えて、, Kinzir は 1 年間の保証サービスを提供します. この保証は、Kinzir の品質と信頼性に対する取り組みを強調しています。. それはあなたに心の平安を与えます, まれに製品に問題が発生した場合、保証期間内であればサポートとサービスが利用できることを知っている. Kinzir の品質保証プロセスの重要なポイントは次のとおりです:

  • 生産前サンプルのレビュー: 量産前に製品の規格を確認.
  • 徹底した出荷前検査: 最終製品の一貫性と品質を確保する.
  • 1年間の保証: 信頼できる保証サービスで投資を保護します.


あなたの 電気ダスター 2 つの一般的なモーター タイプのいずれかが搭載されている場合があります: ブラシレスDC (BLDC) モーターまたはDCモーター. The motor type significantly affects the device’s 毎分回転数 (RPM).

  • BLDC Motor: These motors are known for their high efficiency and longevity. If your electric duster utilizes a BLDC motor, it can reach speeds of up to 90,000 RPM. これ high-speed capability allows for powerful gusts of air that efficiently remove dust from electronics およびその他の機密機器.
  • DC Motor: Conventional DC motors typically operate at lower speeds than their BLDC counterparts. With a DC motor-equipped electric duster, the motor speed is generally around 53,000 RPM. While this is lower than a BLDC motor, it still provides a significant air blast that effectively cleans various surfaces and objects.

What is the suction power of the Cordless Air Dusters?

When considering cordless air dusters, an important feature is their suction capability. This indicates how forcefully the duster can pull in dust and debris. The motor type is central to this power, with two standard motor options available:

  1. BLDC Motor: This type offers a remarkable suction force, equating to approximately 14,000pa (Pascal pressure units). の “BLDC” stands for Brushless Direct Current, known for its efficiency and durability.
  2. DC Motor: Another option is a motor with a milder suction force of about 6,000pa. DC stands for Direct Current, and while it may deliver less suction power than the BLDC, it suits less demanding cleaning jobs.

What is the function of Electric Compressed Air?

Electric compressed air devices serve a variety of purposes, utilizing forced air to perform tasks that require a clean, focused blast or a steady stream of air. Here’s how they can be beneficial for you:

electric air duster application and uses

  • Cleaning: An electric air duster provides a concentrated blast of air that can dislodge dust and debris from delicate electronic components like computer keyboards and interior PC components, as well as more robust items such as furnishings or automotive interiors.
  • Inflation: These devices can also inflate items like swimming accessories, exercise equipment, and air mattresses. The air duster can quickly fill these objects with air, making them convenient for leisure activities.
  • Vacuum Sealing: Some electric air dusters can remove air from vacuum storage bags by reversing the airflow, effectively sealing items for compact and airtight storage.
  • Blow-drying: After washing your car, an electric air duster can help blow dry water off the windows and body, speeding up the drying process. さらに, during cookouts, it can fan the flames of a BBQ grill to get the fire started or keep it going.

How long does it take to charge fully?

The charging duration required to charge the electric duster’s battery fully is approximately 2 時間.

How long does it work after fully charged?

When you fully charge your electric air duster, the duration of operation depends on the selected power setting. Electric air dusters typically come with various gears or power modes, which can affect operational time.

  • First Gear: If you use your air duster on its lowest setting, often called the first gear, you can expect it to work for approximately 30 分. This mode is generally less powerful but preserves battery life.
  • Second Gear: A medium power setting, or second gear, provides increased power but will consume more battery, allowing for around 20 分 of continuous use.
  • Third Gear: The highest power setting, third gear, delivers the strongest blast but will deplete the battery the fastest. It runs for about 15 分 before needing a recharge.

Is Custom Service Acceptable?

Custom services can be utilized to tailor the product to your specific needs or branding requirements. Below is a breakdown of the types of customizations typically offered by Kinzir:

  • Packaging: Your air duster can be packaged to align with your business identity or personal preference. This might include custom graphics or structural designs.
  • Product Color: Select a color that matches your company’s theme or personal taste. A distinctive color can make your product stand out or align with your corporate branding.
  • Logo Printing: Adding your logo onto the product can enhance brand visibility. It’s an effective way to advertise your business or personalize the item.
  • Mold Design: Suppliers like Kinzir offer the option to create a unique mold design for more in-depth customization. This allows for developing a product with a specific shape or functionality exclusive to your requirements.

What does the whole package include?

The electric air duster package has several key components to ensure you have everything needed to start. Here’s what you will find inside:

  • 1 電動エアダスター: The primary device used for dust removal.
  • 1 User Manual: This manual provides instructions on how to use the air duster.
  • 6 Nozzles: A variety of nozzles to fit different cleaning needs.
  • 1 Type-C Charging Cable: For charging the air duster’s battery.
  • 1 Packing Bag: A bag to store your air duster and accessories.
  • 1 Color Box: The product is packaged within this box for protection and aesthetic appeal.
  • Additional Parts: Should you have specific requests, other parts can be included in your package.

electric air duster package and accessories

Is Electric Air Duster Safe for Computers?

はい, electric air dusters are generally safe for your computer. They use electrically powered fans to generate a stream of air that blows away dust and debris from your hardware components. Unlike canned air, electric air dusters do not release any chemical propellants, which makes them a safer and more environmentally friendly choice for cleaning electronic devices.

What are the benefits of using an Electric Air Duster?

Electric air dusters present several advantages for maintaining electronic devices. Here are some concrete benefits you might consider:

  • Reusable and Cost-Effective: Unlike canned air, an electric air duster is a one-time purchase. It is powered by electricity, making it reusable and eliminating the need for constant replacements. This can lead to long-term cost savings.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Using electricity helps reduce the waste associated with disposable canned air. Electric air dusters do not contain harmful propellants or chemicals, reducing your environmental footprint.
  • Adjustable Speed Settings: Many electric air dusters come with variable speed controls. This allows for gently cleaning sensitive items or powerful dust removal from hard-to-reach areas.
  • No Chemical Exposure: Since electric air dusters use no chemicals, you are not exposed to potentially harmful substances during cleaning sessions.
  • Longer Runtime: With no limitations on pressurized air, you can clean for extended periods without the loss of pressure common with traditional canned air.
  • Attachments for Precision: They often include various nozzles for precise cleaning. This lets you tailor your cleaning approach to the specific device or area you’re working on.

Safety Tip: Always ensure that your electronic devices are powered off before using an air duster to avoid electrical mishaps.

What are the differences between Electric Air Dusters and Compressed Air Cans?

Electric Air Dusters and Compressed Air Cans serve similar functions but operate and are built quite differently. Below are the primary distinctions between these two types of dusters.

Feature 電動エアダスター Compressed Air Can
Power Source Rechargeable battery or electrical outlet Disposable canister with compressed gas
環境への影響 より環境に優しい, 再利用可能 強力なガスが含まれています; 使い捨て; 無駄が増える
時間の経過に伴うコスト 前払い額が高い, 費用対効果の高い長期的な 初期費用の削減; 時間の経過とともに高価になる
パフォーマンス 安定したエアフロー; 調整可能なパワー 圧力が失われる可能性がある; 寒さは気流に影響を与える
使用法 連続使用に最適, 大規模な清掃 略してベスト, 簡単な掃除の仕事



電動エアダスターを使用する場合, 安全性とデバイスの寿命の両方を確保するには、次の点に注意してください。:

  • 適切な換気: 電動エアダスターは常に換気の良い場所で使用し、掃除中に空中に浮遊する可能性のある粒子や粉塵を吸い込まないようにしてください。.
  • 湿気を避ける: 電動エアダスターは防水ではありません. Keep the device away from any liquid to prevent electrical hazards or damage to the unit.
  • Sensitive Electronics: Use the air duster with care around sensitive components. The forceful air can damage fragile parts or dislodge small components.
  • Eye Protection: Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from dust and debris.
  • Manufacturer Instructions: Read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the correct operating procedures and safety measures.
やるべきこと してはいけないこと
Charge the device fully (if applicable) before use. Do not shake the air duster.
Hold the duster upright to avoid propellant leakage. Do not use it on high-heat devices.
Use short bursts to conserve battery and avoid overheating. Do not spray at the skin or animals.

How do I store an Electric Air Duster?

位置: Choose a dry, cool place to store your electric air duster. Humidity can damage the internal components, and heat may affect the battery’s performance if your duster is コードレス.

Orientation: Store the device upright or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. This protects any moving parts inside and prevents leakage of any internal fluids.

Cleanliness: Before storing, ensure that your electric air duster is free from dust. Wipe the exterior with a dry cloth to keep it clean.

Battery Care: If your air duster is battery-powered, remove the battery if you plan not to use the device for an extended period. This prevents battery decay and potential leaks.

Cord Management: For corded models, coil the cord loosely to avoid kinks or strain. Use Velcro straps or cord ties to secure the cable neatly.

Avoid Compression: ダスターの上に重いものを置かないでください. ケーシングや内部機構が損傷する可能性があります.

  • 保護ケース (可能な場合は):
    • 純正のケースまたは適切な保護ケースを使用してください.
    • ケースがきれいで、ダスターが無理に押し込まずに内側に快適に収まっていることを確認してください。.

子供とペット: 電動エアダスターは子供やペットの手の届かないところに保管してください。, 鍵のかかった戸棚や高い棚に置くのが理想的.

覚えて: 保管している電動エアダスターに損傷や摩耗の兆候がないか定期的に確認してください。. 長期保管する場合, 定期的に バッテリーを充電 (if applicable) その寿命を維持するために.


電動エアダスターを使用する場合, することが重要です 安全を優先する 事故を防ぎ、機器を長寿命化するために.


  • マニュアルを読む: メーカーのガイドラインをよく理解する.
  • ダスターを点検する: 損傷や欠陥がないか確認してください.
  • ワークスペースを準備する: 液体や敏感なアイテムが置かれているエリアを片付けてください.


  • しっかりと保持する: コントロールを維持するためにダスターをしっかりと握ります.
  • ショートバースト: 過熱を避けるために空気を短時間噴射してください.
  • 適切な角度: ノズルを表面に対して 45 度の角度に保ちます.


  • 電源を切る: 使用後はダスターの電源がオフになっていることを確認してください.
  • 安全に保管する: 乾燥した場所に置きます, 熱源から離れた場所を掃除する.


  • 振らないでください: 振ると内部コンポーネントが損傷する可能性があります.
  • 皮膚への接触を避ける: 空気は非常に冷たく、凍傷を引き起こす可能性があります.
  • 子どもの手の届かない所において下さい: 子供の手の届かない場所に保管してください.


  • ゴーグル: 破片から目を保護するために安全ゴーグルを着用してください.
  • 呼吸用マスク: 換気の悪い場所にいる場合, 粉塵を吸い込まないようにマスクを使用する.

これらのガイドラインに従うことで、, 電動エアダスターを効果的に使用しながら、 リスクを最小限に抑える あなた自身とあなたの機器に対して. 常に注意して操作し、デバイスの機能を尊重してください.


電動エアダスターと圧縮空気缶の寿命を評価する場合, 寿命と、それぞれが供給できる空気の総量の両方を考慮してください。.



  • シングルユース: 推進剤と空気がなくなったら廃棄.
  • 間隔: 一定回数スプレーすると効果が持続します; 使用強度に応じて, 1 回の清掃セッションで缶を使い切る可能性がある.

寿命表比較 (平均的な使用例):

Product Type Lifespan 時間の経過に伴うコスト Maintenance Required
電動エアダスター Several years Initial investment Occasional cleaning
圧縮空気缶 Minutes per can Recurring purchases None

What Are the Best Electric Air Dusters on the Market?

Here are some of the top electric air dusters as of early 2024:

  • Kinzir AD33: AD33 is the most cost-effective cordless air duster For Multi-purposes. You can buy bulk electric dusters at wholesale prices.
  • XPower A-2 Airrow Pro: This versatile and powerful unit is eco-friendly and has multiple nozzles for diverse cleaning tasks.
  • CompuCleaner 2.0: Noted for its robust motor, the CompuCleaner 2.0 delivers strong airflow to remove the most stubborn debris.
  • DataVac Electric Duster: A favorite in office environments, the DataVac combines effectiveness with a suite of attachments for precision cleaning.
  • OPOLAR Battery-Operated Air Duster: For cordless convenience, the OPOLAR offers strong performance and is rechargeable, making it excellent for on-the-go usage.

To help you compare, consider the following attributes:

  • : Higher wattage often translates to stronger airflow.
  • Attachments: Look for units with a set of nozzles for different applications.
  • Portability: Cordless options offer more mobility, while corded models offer continuous power.
  • 騒音レベル: Some models are designed to operate more quietly than others.

What are the Features to Look for When Buying an Electric Air Duster?

When you’re in the market for an electric air duster, certain 特徴 can greatly enhance its utility and performance:

  • Power and Speed: Look for dusters with variable speed options, which allow you to control the airflow based on the sensitivity of different devices.
  • ノズルアタッチメント: Interchangeable nozzles can target various spaces, ranging from broad sprays to pinpoint cleaning.
Energy Source Pros Cons
Battery-powered Portable and convenient May need frequent recharging
Corded Continuous use Limited by cord length
  • 耐久性: Your duster should be robust to withstand regular use and accidental drops.
  • Ergonomics: A comfortable grip and a design that doesn’t tire your hand are essential if you plan to use it for extended periods.
  • Filtration System: Filters that trap dust prevent the unit from blowing particles back into the air.
  • 騒音レベル: Electric dusters can be loud; opt for a model that balances power with quieter operation if noise is a concern.
  • 環境への影響: By choosing a rechargeable duster, you’re reducing waste from disposable canned air.
  • Price: While cost shouldn’t be the only factor, it’s crucial to find an electric air duster that offers good value for its features.

Remember to weigh these features against your specific needs to find the most suitable electric air duster.

What is the Price Range for Electric Air Dusters?

Electric air dusters are available at various prices depending on their power, 耐久性, および追加機能. Here’s a breakdown of price ranges you can expect:

  • Low-End Models: Typically priced between $20-$50, these dusters offer basic functionality with limited power and features. They’re suitable for light cleaning tasks.
  • Mid-Range Models: Priced from $50-$100, these offer improved power and may include varying speed controls, additional nozzle attachments, and longer battery life.
  • High-End Models: Dusters in this category are priced above $100, sometimes up to $200. They provide high power, long-lasting batteries, 複数の速度設定, and durable construction quality.

It’s important to note that prices can fluctuate based on brand, regional availability, bulk quantities, and sales channels. Get wholesale pricing with the Kinzir sales team.

How powerful are electric air dusters?

Electric air dusters offer a range of power levels to suit different needs. You’ll find that the power is measured in two key ways: the motor’s wattage and the airflow produced, typically in cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Electric Air Duster Model Motor Wattage Airflow (CFM)
Low-End Models 250-350 watts 50-70 CFM
Mid-Range Models 350-500 watts 70-100 CFM
High-End Models 500-750+ watts 100-200+ CFM

The higher the wattage, the more powerful the motor, which can translate to stronger airflow.

A higher CFM means the duster can output a greater volume of air at higher speeds. 選択は、ダスターが必要な特定の作業に基づいて行う必要があります。軽い掃除作業では、必要な電力が少なくて済む場合があります。, 一方、強力な清掃には、より高い CFM とワット数のダスターが必要になる場合があります。.

  • 速度設定:
    • 多くのモデルには調整可能な速度設定が付いています, 洗浄状況の繊細さまたは頑強さに基づいて空気の流れを制御できるようにします。.
  • ノズルアタッチメント:
    • 性能は、正確な洗浄のために気流を集中させるノズルアタッチメントによっても影響されます。.


はい, 電動エアダスターは、電子機器の掃除だけでなく、さまざまな用途に使用できる多用途ツールです。.


  • ダスティング: 棚などの届きにくい場所から埃やゴミを取り除くために使用できます。, ブラインド, または複雑な装飾.
  • Furniture: They are effective for blowing out the dust from within the fabric of sofas and cushions.

Automotive Maintenance:

  • Car Interiors: Electric air dusters can clean car dashboards, 通気口, and underneath seats.
  • Engine Bays: They can also be useful for removing leaves, ほこり, and debris from your vehicle’s engine bay.

Workshop Tasks:

  • Power Tools: Keep your power tools free of sawdust and other particulates.
  • Workbenches: Quickly clear off wood shavings or metal filings from your work surface.

Here are some other uses to consider:

  • Photography Gear: Gently clean camera bodies, lenses, and filters.
  • Arts and Crafts: Disperse excess glitter or small scraps of paper.
  • Plant Care: Blow away dust from the leaves of indoor plants, taking care not to damage them.

When using an electric air duster for other purposes, always assess the situation そして use the appropriate nozzle attachment to match the job at hand. Also, always adhere to safety guidelines そして avoid using them on sensitive materials that could be damaged by the force of the air stream.

  • 騒音レベル: Lower decibels for quieter operation.
  • メンテナンス: Simple design to clean and maintain without hassle.


